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September 16, 2019

What Are Listing Tools, and Why Are They Important for Multi-Channel Sellers?

What Are Listing Tools, and Why Are They Important for Multi-Channel Sellers?

Flexport Editorial Team
Flexport Editorial Team

September 16, 2019

This blog post was originally published by Deliverr, which is now Flexport. The content has been adjusted to fit the Flexport brand voice and tone, but all other information remains unchanged. With the merging of Deliverr’s services (DTC fulfillment, B2B distribution, and Last Mile delivery) into Flexport’s existing international freight and technology services, we’re now able to provide merchants with true end-to-end logistics solutions spanning from the factory floor to the customer’s door.

Multi-channel selling is excellent for increasing your reach, exposing your brand, and using various fast shipping programs to boost your sales. But, multi-channel selling is also very time-intensive, involving a lot of duplication when listing new items.

Listing tools give you that time back, making them an essential part of your eCommerce toolkit.

This article looks at what listing tools are, why they’re essential for multi-channel sellers, and what to look for when picking the right tool for your business.

What are listing tools

A multi-channel listing tool is a piece of software that sits between you and your sales channels, allowing you to create and push listings to your online marketplaces and eCommerce platform.

Why are listing tools important for multi-channel sellers

Listing tools can be used by anyone selling online, but they are particularly valuable for multi-channel sellers, bringing benefits including:

1) Consistency

Known as the mere exposure effect, online shoppers develop a preference for something they are repeatedly exposed to. Listing tools allow you to create identical listings across your sales channels, exposing cross-channel shoppers to the same information to increase trust with your brand and products.

2) Fewer mistakes

Duplicated tasks are more error-prone, because the brain goes into auto-pilot mode when completing repetitive tasks. Listing tools remove the tediousness involved in creating multi-channel listings, reducing both the chances of making a mistake and the time involved in correcting one.

3) Time-saving

Logging into individual marketplaces and sales channels to create listings is time-consuming, especially if you’re selling on more than two platforms. Multi-channel listing software removes the time involved in duplicating this effort, giving you more hours to invest in business growth.

4) Expansion

Listing tools typically work across a variety of sales channels. This allows you to increase your sales avenues and access different platforms, without drastically increasing your effort.

5) Advanced features

And finally, many listing tools come with additional benefits for growing your multi-channel store. For example, Deliverr-compatible listing tools also offer pricing automation, inventory management, order management, and workflows.

In a nutshell, listing tools make multi-channel eCommerce life much easier, quicker, and more manageable.

What to look for in a multi-channel listing tool

Luckily for business-savvy sellers, there are plenty of listing tools to pick from, with a variety of features and prices to match businesses and budgets of all size.

What should you look for to find the right tool for your eCommerce business?

1) Sales channel integration

Sales channel integration is crucial for a listing tool to perform its principal function. Look for a tool that integrates with your current online marketplaces and eCommerce platform, and any that you wish to expand to in the future. If you’re new to eCommerce and not yet selling online, check out SellerActive, which integrates with Amazon, eBay, and Walmart.

2) Editing functionality

Being able to edit live and historic listings is a great time-saving feature to have. This means that you can quickly rectify any errors, update product descriptions, and tailor your listings to ensure maximum success. Tools like Zentail also offer the ability to make bulk edits, which is perfect if you sell a high number of SKUs.

3) Importing ability

If you’re an active online seller, the ability to import, duplicate and edit live and historical listings could be hugely beneficial for you. The ability to search and import existing marketplace listings is also a handy feature if you regularly add new products to your business that are already sold by other sellers.

4) Saved templates

Being able to create, save, and use pre-populated listing templates can supercharge your efficiency – especially if you add new listings regularly. If you sell on eBay, be sure to check that you can import and edit your HTML listing template, like you can on Sellbrite.

5) Variation and bundle compatibility

If your products come in different variations (for example colors and sizes) or you sell bundled items together, look for a listing tool that offers this functionality. Check out tools like Listing Mirror that comes with inventory management functionality to automatically update your individual and bundle stock levels.

6) List by ASIN

ASIN stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number and is used by Amazon to identify products on the marketplace. If your products already exist on Amazon, a list by ASIN feature will allow you to quickly pull all of the necessary information for you to then add to and edit – making listing even quicker.

It all boils down to finding the right features for your business now and in the future, but that’s not the only consideration.

How to improve your multi-channel listings further

A multi-channel listing tool will increase your listing efficiency, but it won’t improve their ability to convert customers and increase sales. To do that, you must create listings that are:

1) SEO optimized

Search engine optimization improves your position and performance in marketplace search results by returning your listing in relevant queries. To achieve this, you need to:

  • Identify the keywords you want associated with your listings using a keyword research tool
  • Use these keywords in your listing titles, product descriptions, and image alt text
  • Improve your feedback rating by delivering outstanding customer service, quality products, and fast shipping

2) Visually appealing

Images are processed 60,000X faster than text and trigger stronger emotional reactions, making product photography a simple way to transform your listings.

Optimize your listing photography by:

  • Using a professional photographer or investing in the necessary photography equipment
  • Using a white background for your primary product photograph
  • Including photographs from different angles and in different contexts to demonstrate size and use

3) Competitively priced

While repricing strategies can be a risky race to the bottom, product price is important to both customers and online marketplaces. Improve conversions and buy box eligibility by using repricer software to competitively price your products while maintaining a profit.

4) Fast shipping compatible

Fast and free shipping are the top purchase motivators, which is why all of the big online marketplaces offer customers fast shipping programs. Make your listings fast shipping compatible across all of your marketplaces by unifying your eCommerce fulfillment to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and qualify for fast shipping programs.

As you can see, listing tools are a beneficial addition to any multi-channel eCommerce business, especially if you have plans to grow your sales channels and product lines. Use this guide to help find the right listing software for your business but, don’t forget – the magic is in the listing itself.

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Flexport Editorial Team
Flexport Editorial Team

September 16, 2019

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