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August 6, 2018

What Is Walmart TwoDay Delivery and How Do I Enable It?

Flexport Editorial Team

This blog post was originally published by Deliverr, which is now Flexport. The content has been adjusted to fit the Flexport brand voice and tone, but all other information remains unchanged. With the merging of Deliverr’s services (DTC fulfillment, B2B distribution, and Last Mile delivery) into Flexport’s existing international freight and technology services, we’re now able to provide merchants with true end-to-end logistics solutions spanning from the factory floor to the customer’s door.

Walmart’s free TwoDay Delivery is their answer to Amazon Prime. It’s poised to present a huge opportunity for ecommerce sellers to succeed with fast delivery.

This article will go over what Walmart TwoDay Delivery is, challenges to entry, and how to use fast shipping tags to convert shoppers into buyers.

What Is Walmart TwoDay Delivery?

Walmart TwoDay Delivery is a fast shipping program that guarantees nationwide delivery within 2 business days for the contiguous United States. It’s completely free for customers, with no minimum purchase.

If you’ve enabled the TwoDay Delivery feature on your Walmart listings, it will appear in three different places for buyers to see:

  1. In search results when shoppers search for products
  2. In the item description when users check product pages
  3. Above the “add to cart” button when users make a buying decision

Why Enable Walmart TwoDay Delivery?

As Amazon begins focusing more on their own private labels, it’s becoming more unlikely for ecommerce sellers to sell exclusively on one marketplace. According to TechCrunch, 60% of sellers plan to diversify to other channels, with Walmart emerging as the most preferred marketplace, followed by Shopify and eBay.

Walmart is shifting its focus to fast and free shipping, and has architected their website around their fast shipping tags. This is an early warning sign that fast delivery will play a key role in being a successful Walmart seller, so it’s important to get in ahead of your competition.

Here are some benefits of the Walmart TwoDay Delivery program:

Increased Visibility

In order to stand out, sellers must focus on their visibility in search results. The heavy focus Walmart is placing on fast shipping means buyers are likely to filter for fast shipping tags and see TwoDay Delivery items with reduced competition.

For example, there are roughly 5,600 listings for a “Lenovo laptop” on Walmart. In comparison, when you click the 2-day shipping option, that number drops down to 108. This means that fast shipping options eliminate 98% of the competition for this search term.

So, listings without fast shipping tags will either be eliminated from filtered results completely, or be pushed down to the bottom since focuses on fast shipping even in regular search results.

No Longer Compete on Price

If you search “large dog crate” on Walmart, you’ll notice that the items with free 2-day shipping tags are among the most expensive...yet they rank highly in search results. This shows us that both Walmart and its shoppers value 2-day shipping, and are even willing to pay a premium for it.

How To Enable Walmart TwoDay Delivery

Getting on Walmart TwoDay poses some challenges, since to be eligible you need to ensure nationwide 2-day shipping for free.

Sellers must carefully weigh the cost and profitability of shipping options, and analyze whether the added conversions from fast shipping tags will offset any added cost.

There are 2 ways to enable Walmart 2-day delivery: directly in Walmart Seller Center or via Flexport's Walmart Fast Tags:

Enable TwoDay Delivery in Seller Center

If you decide to go the seller-fulfilled route, you'll have to ensure zero days lag, expedited shipping, and free shipping. To be eligible, your store must adhere to Walmart's eligibility requirements:

  • Greater than 95% on-time shipping and delivery rates
  • Greater than 95% valid tracking rate
  • Less than 1.5% cancellation rate
  • Be a seller on Walmart Marketplace for at least 90 days, or fulfilled more than 100 orders

To apply for TwoDay Delivery badges directly through Walmart, sellers must request access through Seller Center. Walmart will let you know within 48 hours whether you've been approved or denied for the program.

Sellers can also designate the regions and states they can support 2-day delivery to, so fast shipping tags will only appear to shoppers in those areas.

Enable TwoDay Delivery with Flexport's Walmart Fast Tags

Flexport directly integrates with Walmart TwoDay Delivery, allowing sellers to set up an account in under two minutes to get 2-day delivery coverage nationwide. All Flexport sellers are pre-approved for Walmart's fast shipping tags.

Flexport merchants can enable Walmart TwoDay Delivery right from their account. Participating SKUs should reflect fast shipping tags within 24 hours.

Learn more about Walmart's TwoDay Delivery program and how to enable it on your storefront here. To enable TwoDay Delivery on your Walmart storefront today, get started with Flexport.

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Flexport Editorial Team

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